"I Don't Believe You're a Prince" tells the story of Malfurion, the Prince of Illidan, and Luhani, an ordinary high school student, who meet by chance and establish a friendship. The difference in their life experiences from childhood to adulthood
Zhong Tonghui is an unknown graphic model who witnessed her mother's suicide in her childhood and has been haunted by nightmares ever since. One day during a break from work, Tong Hui received a mysterious funeral invitation letter, and the deceas
Noble, an ordinary ambulance driver with a racing dream since childhood, accidentally gets involved in a racing dispute while driving his beloved car. The roar of the engine and the temptation of speed all make himLife has undergone tremendous cha
"King of the Golden Robe" is a real-life inspirational story by Ye Wenlong, the founder of I-1 World Muay Thai. It was filmed live in Hong Kong and Thailand. Wen Long was attracted by Qian Xiaohao's genuine talent and became fascinated by the real
The annual flavor of Hujiazhuang gradually fades, and the cold and summer are unusually hot. The lion dance boy Luo Chuan jumps off the air and has a wild imagination. He dreams of promoting his lion dance skills, but often makes things worse. Whe
Ali is a stable bank employee who mistakenly believed in his friend's investment failure and owed millions of dollars in debt. Ba Zhiming, nicknamed 'Dad', achieved nothing but always believed that he could do anything in martial arts, so theyThe
Despite the efforts of the villagers in Xianyu Village, there has not been much noticeable development in the village in recent years. After the newly elected village director Qinghua took office, he made a bold move and not only found a way out w
A sunny, pure wedding dress designer around 26 years old in Shanghai, striving for her dreams and striving for progress, but also accompanied by this failure. During the low point of her career, she endured the disapproval of others for a long tim