"Pure Love Game: Crazy Girl Hunt" tells the story of an otaku man's love adventure who has never been in love before. After accidentally obtaining a mysterious VR game eye, the protagonist Ahe suddenly discovers that VR gamesMany enchanting game goddesses in the play have appeared one by one in their own lives, and they have formed enviable intersections with him. Just as he thought he had acquired superpowers and was addicted to themWhen it comes to confirmed love, little did they know that they had already fallen into a vast web. Turns out all of this was done by an AV company in South Korea, and everything the male protagonist encountered was directed by the AV companyUnder the design and surveillance of Li Cangxuan, it was filmed into a reality show. However, to her surprise, the female protagonist Cui Zhenxi was involuntarily moved by Ahe's simplicity and kindness, and everything seemed to gradually deviate from the presetThe trajectory of.