This film tells the emotional story of a young man in the context of a business war. Mr. Jin, the President of Future Technology Company, was spared from involving his family due to being caught up in business competition and hired Sun Rong, who had been practicing martial arts since childhood, as a birthday giftIn the name of being the personal bodyguard of his daughter Jin Tingting, while the wealthy young master Wang Zijun tried every means to pursue Jin Tingting, Jin Tingting's best friend Penny fell in love with Sun Rong at first sight, causing laughter and laughter among several young peopleA non emotional story. Jin Tingting was deliberately kidnapped, and Sun Rong risked his life to rescue her. After the thrilling crisis was resolved, Jin Tingting was moved by the simple and kind Sun Rong, who also saw Jin TingtingTingting's unknown and sincere side ignited a spark of love between the two.