In this coming-of-age drama series, five schoolgirls staying away from home find solace and friendship in each other. But their bonds are tested when they realize people change as they grow up.
Actor : Tenzin Lhakyila Aneet Padda Akshita Sood Afrah Sayed Avantika Vidushi Dalai Pooja Bhatt Zoya Hussain Loveleen Mishra Suchitra Pillai Tanya Abrol Gauri Malla
Category : Drama Director : Nitya Mehra Sudhanshu Saria Kopal Naithani Karan Kapadia Year : 2024 Area : IN Lang :
"Fangs of Fortune" stars Hou Minghao ("Psych Hunter," "Back from the Brink"), Chen Duling ("Mysteri...