This is an urban comedy film that revolves around Jia Gongzi and Su Heling's dream of becoming a restaurant owner. It uses humorous scenes to create laughter points and strong character contrasts to showcase the contrast between the charactersAdd suspense to the story through clever plot design. Jia Gongzi and Su Heling, who had lost their jobs, decided to open a restaurant and become owners. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of funds, they were in distress and unexpectedly found a diamond. They were extremely happySadly, the diamond fell into a tour guide's hoodie, and the two decided to join a tour group in order to secretly retrieve the diamond, thus embarking on a journey that was both hilarious and hilarious. When they retrieve the 'diamonds'However, they realized that it was actually a prop. At the same time, they discovered that Zhai Shuxiang in the travel group had a winning lottery ticket. So they turned their attention to Zhai Shuxiang and designed one after anotherA perfect plan, can they finally get the lottery tickets? Can their boss dream come true when the truth is revealed?