Set in a fictional place called Victoriapuram, a feud between two families for a coffee estate have been going on for three generations. Unforeseen romance between two contrasting personalities from these families changes all their lives forever.
Actor : Santosh Shoban Malavika Nair Rajendra Prasad Rao Ramesh Naresh Gautami Tadimalla Anju Alva Naik Vasuki Anand Ramya Subramanian Vennela Kishore Ashwin Kumar Raj Madiraju Bindu Chandramouli Sowcar Janaki Urvashi Mahesh Achanta Venkatesh Kakumanu
Category : Comedy Family Romance Drama Director : B. V. Nandini Reddy Year : 2023 Area : IN Lang :
A precocious young writer becomes involved with her high school creative writing teacher in a dark ...