The drama tells the story of Zhang Letian, Fang Dazhuang, and Huang Shanshan, three elementary school students with different problems. Due to a series of issues such as family, society, and self-control, they do not seek self-improvement and resist authority. doA series of humorous yet thought-provoking events. The teacher earnestly instructs, patiently guides, and builds a platform for them to showcase their interests. The play is presented from the perspective of childrenWith the joint efforts of society, parents, and teachers, some hot social issues such as the current second child policy, the issue of left behind children, and the competition between parents to show off their wealth have been effectively addressedsolve. Our original intention in creating this film was to combine education with entertainment, allowing the audience to experience joy, anger, sorrow, and joy while also making the whole society aware that children's education is a common social issue.